We recommend the following inputs to get your desired output.


Rime will correctly pronounce most common abbreviations automatically.

Desired OutputInput
Doctor SmithDr. Smith
For examplee.g.
Saint JohnSt. John

Acronyms and Initialisms

Acronyms are pronounced as a single word, for example, NASA is pronounced as “Nasa”. Initialisms are pronounced as a series of letters, for example DNA is pronounced as “D N A”.

By default Rime will pronounce a series of capital letters as acronyms, i.e. as a single word. However, for many common initialisms, e.g. DNA, ID, USA, FBI, CIA, etc., Rime will automatically pronounce them correctly as a series of letters.

That being said, to ensure that initialisms are pronounced correctly as a series of letters, the best practice is to use lower case and put a period and space after each letter.

Desired OutputInput
D N Ad. n. a.
UPSu. p. s.
GPAg. p. a.

Note: You can also specify a custom pronunciation for any acronym or initialism, using Rime’s custom pronunciations feature.