We recommend the following inputs to get your desired output.


Ordinal Numbers

Desired OutputInput
One hundred and twenty-three123
Two thousand and twenty-two2,022
Four zero4 0


Desired OutputInput
Twenty twenty two2022

Cardinal Numbers

Desired OutputInput

Phone Numbers

Desired OutputInput
Five five five, seven seven two, nine one four zero(555)-265-9076
Five five five, seven seven two, nine one four zero555-772-9140
Five five five, seven seven two, nine one four zero5 5 5, 7 7 2, 9 1 4 0


Desired OutputInput
Zero point seven five0.75
Zero point seven five0 point 7 5


Desired OutputInput
Seven dollars, ninety five cents$7.95
One thousand and forty-five dollars, ninety six cents$1,045.96
One thousand and forty-five dollars, ninety six cents$1045.96

Units of Measurement

Desired OutputInput
Five kilograms5kg
Seventy degrees Fahrenheit70°F