By default, Rime will add pauses based on the punctuation in the sentence. To insert a shorter or longer pause within a sentence, simply inset the length of your desired pause in milliseconds within angle brackets.

For example: <750> inserts a pause of 750 millseconds (or .75 seconds). To hear the difference, compare the following:

Audio ClipSentence
wait, are you actually serious.
wait. <750> are you actually serious.

Note: To get the best results, we recommend placing the pause after a period, as in the example above.

Note: When making an API request, you must set pauseBetweenBrackets to true. The request would look like this:

Custom Pause Example
	"text": "wait. <750> are you actually serious.",
    "speaker": "cove",
    "modelId": "mist",
    "pauseBetweenBrackets": true